Deep Learning VM Image

[EXAMPTOPIC] Deep Learning VM Image : 딥러닝 모델 학습에 필요한 모든 구성요소가 갖춰져있는 VM 관련 내용을 정리합니다.

Deep Learning VM Image
  • Properties of Deep Learning VM Image
  • [EXAMTOPIC] 3 Trouble Shooting cases for Deep Learning VM Image
    (1) Quota exceeded, (2) Resource not found, (3) Preemptible instances
  • [EXAMTOPIC] Q 52

Deep Learning VM Image

Deep Learning VM Image : 구글클라우드 엔진에서 딥러닝 모델 학습에 필요한 모든 구성요소가 갖춰져있는 VM

  • Preconfigured virtual machine images optimized for DS/ML tasks ⇒ build deep learning projects fast on a Google Compute Engine instance.
Key Feautres
  • automate your notebook trainingNo need to pay extra or manually manage Cloud infrastructure
  • launch Compute Engine instances pre-installed with TensorFlow, PyTorch, scikit-learn and more and tested for compatibility
  • Fast prototyping
  • Accelerate data processing tasks : add Cloud GPU and Cloud TPU support
  • Support many combinations of framework and processor : TensorFlow Enterprise, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and generic high-performance computing with versions for both CPU-only and GPU-enabled workflows
  • Optimized for performance (accelerate model training and deployment with the latest NVIDIA® CUDA-X AI libraries and drivers and the Intel® Math Kernel Library)
  • Integrated support for JupyerLab

Preemptible VMs 선점형 가상머신

  • Low-cost.
  • Short-duration VM option for batch jobs and fault-tolerant workloads.
  • Can terminate at anytime and will terminate within 24 hours.
  • Cannot migrate to regular VM and no SLA.

Resource & Articles

EXAMTOPIC - 3 Trouble Shooting cases for Deep Learning VM Image

Quota exceeded, Resource not found, Preemptible instances

1. Quota exceeded 할당량초과

- Quota 'NVIDIA_K80_GPUS' exceeded. Limit: 0.0 in region us-east1. : You do not have enough quota.

  • Solution : Check the quotas page to ensure that you have enough GPUs available in your project ⇒ If GPUs are not listed on the quotas page or you require additional GPU quota, request a quota increase.
    • preemptible GPUs & normal GPUs require separate quota requests. You can't use preemptible GPU quota for normal GPUs.
      • quota is per region ⇒ creating the instance in the region where you have quota.
2. Resource not found

- The resource 'projects/deeplearning-platform/zones/europe-west4-c/acceleratorTypes/nvidia-tesla-k80' was not found
: You are trying to create an instance with one or more GPUs in a region where GPUs are not available (for example, an instance with a K80 GPU in europe-west4-c).

3. Preemptible instances

I can't create preemptible instance from the UI, even though I have quota. 할당량이 있지만, UI에서 선점형 인스턴스를 만들 수 없는 문제

  • Solution : preemptible instance can't be created from Google Cloud Marketplace ⇒ must use the CLI. ⇒ add --preemptible when setting up new instance.


You are training a deep learning model for semantic image segmentation with reduced training time. While using a Deep Learning VM Image, you receive the following error: The resource 'projects/deeplearning-platforn/zones/europe-west4-c/acceleratorTypes/nvidia-tesla-k80' was not found. What should you do?

  • ❌ A. Ensure that you have GPU quota in the selected region.
  • B. Ensure that the required GPU is available in the selected region.
  • ❌ C. Ensure that you have preemptible GPU quota in the selected region.
  • ❌ D. Ensure that the selected GPU has enough GPU memory for the workload.