[데이터 분석 실무] 웹 퍼널 분석 (Bounce Rate, Conversion Rate) - MySQL

이커머스 유저 행동 데이터 (세션 로그 데이터)를 활용해서 퍼널 분석 과정에서 필요한 MySQL 쿼리, 분석 결과를 정리한 글입니다.

데이터 분석가는 Conversion Rate, Bounce Rate등의 지표를 기준으로 개선이 필요한 퍼널을 찾는다. 웹 페이지 퍼포먼스를 분석하기 위한 다양한 예시들을 통해 쿼리를 작성하고 결과를 해석해보자.

웹 페이지 퍼포먼스 분석
목적 : 개선이 필요한 퍼널을 찾기 위함


1. TOP PAGES : 트래픽이 많은 페이지 파악

  • 조건 : most-viewed website page, rank by session volume, date < 2012.06.09
  • STEPS : url별 세션 수 > rank() over ()
with a as 
# url 별 조회수(세션수) 
select pageview_url url, 
  count(website_session_id) volume             
from website_pageviews
where created_at < '2012-06-09'
group by 1

select url, 
    # grouped reference인 경우 partition by 하지 않아도 됨
    rank() over (order by volume desc) as volume_rank            
from a
order by volume_rank ;
url volume volume_rank
/home 10301 1
/products 4188 2
/the-original-mr-fuzzy 3002 3
/cart 1292 4
/shipping 860 5
/billing 709 6
/thank-you-for-your-order 304 7

▶ 홈 > 상품 > 카트 > 배송 > 구매 > 구매완료 페이지 순서의 퍼널 확인 가능

2. TOP ENTRY PAGES : 유입량이 많은 페이지 파악

  • 동일한 session_id 내 pageview_id 리스트 중 첫번째 page_view_id 를 entry page
# all entry pages, rank by session volume, date < 2012.06.09
# with + row_number & CASE when page_url else null

with a as(
    case when row_number() over (                # 페이지뷰리스트
                partition by website_session_id    # 동일한세션
                order by website_pageview_id        
                ) = 1                             # 첫번째
    then pageview_url 
    else null end landing_page

from website_pageviews 
where created_at < '2012-06-09'

select landing_page , 
    # count(session_id) group by entry
    count(landing_page) sessions_hitting_this_lander
from a 
# filter out entry null
where landing_page is not null 
group by 1 ;
landing_page sessionssessions_hitting_this_lander
/home 10301

▶ /home 웹의 첫번째 홈 페이지로 제일 많이 유입된다.

3. BOUNCE RATE : Pageview별 Bounce Rate 파악

# 1. CTE
# 1) Landing Page by session
# 2) Pageview & Bounce by session
# 3) Total sessions & Bounced sessions by Landing Page & % of Sessions which Bounced

with a as (
    # 1) 동일한 session_id내 session_pageview_id 마다 pageview_seq 순서 표시
    row_number() over(
                    partition by website_session_id 
                    order by website_pageview_id ) as pageview_seq
from website_pageviews 
where created_at <'2012-06-09'
, b as (
select website_session_id, 
    # pageview_seq의 `최대`가 1인 경우 bounced session
    case when max(pageview_seq) = 1 then 1 else 0 end as bounce
from a
group by 1

    # Total Sessions
    count(*) sessions , 
    # Bounced Sessions
    sum(case when bounce = 1 then 1 else 0 end ) as bounced_sessions ,
    # % of Bounced Sessions
    concat((sum(case when bounce = 1 then 1 else 0 end )/count(*)*100),'%') as bounce_rate
from b

# 2. Temporary Table

CREATE temporary table first_pageview
SELECT website_session_id,
    min(website_pageview_id) as min_pv_id
FROM website_pageviews 
where created_at < '2012-06-09'
group by 1;

# sessions_landing_page
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE sessions_landing_page
select f.website_session_id,
    w.pageview_url as landing_page
from first_pageview f
    left join website_pageviews w on w.website_pageview_id = f.min_pv_id 
where pageview_url = '/home' ;

# bounce_sessions
select l.website_session_id,
    count(w.website_pageview_id) as cnt_viewed
from sessions_landing_page l 
    left join website_pageviews w 
    on w.website_session_id=l.website_session_id
group by 1,2
having count(w.website_pageview_id)  = 1;     -- BOUNCE SESSION 

  count(distinct l.website_session_id) as sessions,
  count(distinct b.website_session_id) as bounced_sessions,
  count(distinct b.website_session_id)/count(distinct l.website_session_id) as bounce_rate
from sessions_landing_page l
left join bounce_sessions b
on l.website_session_id = b.website_session_id ;
sessions bounced_sessions bounce_rate
10301 6113 59.3438%

▶ 전체 세션수의 약 60%가 랜딩페이지에서 Bouced됨. 유저의 액션을 이끌어내지 못하고 그대로 유출, 해당 페이지에 대한 테스트가 필요해보임.

4. LANDING PAGE TEST : 랜딩 페이지 Bounce rate 테스트

  • Bounce rate 가 높은 entry page 에 대해, new custom landing page (/lander-1) 테스트 필요
  • 50/50 Bounce rate comparison (/lander-1) vs (/home)
# 1. CTE

WITH a as (
    p.website_pageview_id ,
    pageview_url landing_page,
    # first website_pageview_id for relevant sessions
    row_number() over(
                    partition by website_session_id 
                    order by website_pageview_id ) as pageview_seq
from website_sessions w
left join website_pageviews p 
on p.website_session_id = w.website_session_id 
where utm_source = 'gsearch' 
    and utm_campaign = 'nonbrand' 
    # when the new page lander launched
    and w.created_at between '2012-06-19' and '2012-07-28' 
, b as (
    # landing page of each session
    case when max(pageview_seq) = 1 then 1 else 0 end as bounce
from a 
group by 1  
, c as(
    # summarizing total sessions and bounced sessions
select landing_page,
    count(distinct website_session_id) total_sessions,
    sum(bounce) bounce_sessions,
    concat(sum(bounce)/count(distinct website_session_id)*100,'%')
from b
group by 1
select * 
from c 
where landing_page in ('/lander-1','/home')

# 2. Temporary Table

-- 1) find out when the new page lander launched
select min(created_at), min(website_pageview_id) from website_pageviews where pageview_url = '/lander-1' and created_at is not null ;

CREATE temporary table first_test -- pageviews
SELECT w.website_session_id,
    min(website_pageview_id) as min_pv_id             
-- 2) finding the first website_pageview_id for relevant sessions
FROM website_pageviews p
    inner join website_sessions w
        on w.website_session_id = p.website_session_id
            and w.created_at < '2012-07-28' and p.website_pageview_id > 23504  -- after 1) min(website_pageview_id) of lander-1
            and utm_source = 'gsearch' and utm_campaign = 'nonbrand' 
group by 1;

create temporary table nonbrand_test_landing_page
select f.website_session_id, 
    p.pageview_url as landing_page          
from first_test f 
    left join website_pageviews p on p.website_pageview_id = f.min_pv_id      
-- 3) identifying the landing page of each session
where p.pageview_url  in ('/lander-1','/home');

create temporary table nonbrand_test_bounced
select l.website_session_id,
        count(p.website_pageview_id) as cnt_viewed     
-- 4) counting pageviews for each session to identify bounces
from nonbrand_test_landing_page l left join website_pageviews p on p.website_session_id = l.website_session_id 
group by 1,2
having count(p.website_pageview_id) = 1 ; -- count(website_pageview_id) =1  :: BOUNCED

-- 5) summarizing total sessions and bounced sessions by LP
select l.landing_page, 
    COUNT(DISTINCT l.website_session_id) as sessions,
    COUNT(DISTINCT b.website_session_id) as bounced_sessions,
    COUNT(DISTINCT b.website_session_id) / COUNT(DISTINCT l.website_session_id) as bounce_rate
FROM nonbrand_test_landing_page l
left join nonbrand_test_bounced b on l.website_session_id = b.website_session_id
group by 1;
landing_page total_sessions bounce_sessions bounce_rate
/home 2300 1338 58.1739%
/lander-1 2268 1206 53.1746%

▶ 동일 기간 비교, 새로운 랜딩페이지인 lander-1이 기존 랜딩페이지 home 보다 bounce rate이 더 낮다.

5. LANDING PAGE TREND** Pageview별 Bounce Rate 트렌드 파악

  • 조건 : Bounce rate trended weekly (paid search nonbrand traffic landing on /home and /lander-1)


    • 1) finding the first website_pageview_id for relevant sessions
    • 2) identifying the landing page of each session >> home or lander-1
    • 3) counting pageviews for each session & identify bounces
    • 4) summarizing by week :: bounce rate, sessions to each lander

with landing_page as(
select w.website_session_id,
    w.created_at,                                 -- session created_at
    case when row_number() over (partition by w.website_session_id order by w.website_session_id, p.website_pageview_id) = 1 then 1 else 0 end as landing
from website_sessions w 
    left join website_pageviews p on w.website_session_id = p.website_session_id
where utm_campaign = 'nonbrand' and w.created_at < '2012-08-31'
) , bounce as(
select website_session_id, 
    case when count(distinct website_pageview_id) = 1 then 1 else 0 end bounced -- count of pageviewid = 1 : BOUNCED
from landing_page
group by website_session_id
select min(date(created_at)) as week_start_date,
        concat(sum(bounced)/ count(distinct l.website_session_id)*100,'%') bounce_rate,
        sum(case when pageview_url='/home' then 1 else 0 end) home_sessions,
        sum(case when pageview_url='/lander-1' then 1 else 0 end) lander_sessions
from landing_page l left join bounce b on b.website_session_id = l.website_session_id 
group by yearweek(created_at);
2012-03-19 62.9586% 845 0
2012-03-25 58.8421% 950 0
2012-04-01 63.6522% 1150 0
2012-06-10 61.4943% 870 0
2012-06-17 55.9763% 515 330
2012-06-24 58.5106% 367 385
2012-07-15 54.0793% 431 427
2012-07-22 50.8906% 396 390
2012-07-29 49.7570% 57 972
2012-08-05 54.7729% 0 1079
2012-08-12 50.8595% 0 989
2012-08-19 51.4286% 0 1330
2012-08-26 55.1655% 0 997

▶ new custom landing page인 lander-1으로 전환되어 Lower Bounce rate 보인다. (improved)

6. CONVERSION FUNNEL : 고객의 상품 구매 여정을 개선/최적화

  • Common path/flow, large abondonment point, conversion rate at each step

  • Define Paths : Bring sessions in the relavant pageviews and flag each session as having made it to certain funnel


    • 1) select all pageviews for relevant sessions
    • 2) identify each pageview as the specific funnel step
    • 3) create the session-level conversion funnel view
    • 4) aggregate the data to assess funnel performance
# 1. CTE 
# WITH + total sessions & sessions by pageview_url_ + CASE >Pivot

with total as(
select p.pageview_url, w.website_session_id
from website_sessions w inner join  website_pageviews p on w.website_session_id=p.website_session_id 
where w.created_at > '2012-08-05' and w.created_at < '2012-09-05'
    and w.utm_source ='gsearch'   and w.utm_campaign='nonbrand'
    and pageview_url in ('/lander-1','/products','/the-original-mr-fuzzy','/cart','/shipping','/billing','/thank-you-for-your-order')
                        -- define the funnel paths
group by 1, 2
, page  as (
select count(distinct website_session_id) sessions,
        /**analyzing how many customers make it to each step**/
        sum(case when pageview_url = '/products' then 1 else 0 end) as to_products,
        sum(case when pageview_url = '/the-original-mr-fuzzy' then 1 else 0 end) as to_mrfuzzy,
        sum(case when pageview_url = '/cart' then 1 else 0 end) as to_cart,
        sum(case when pageview_url = '/shipping' then 1 else 0 end) as to_shipping,
        sum(case when pageview_url = '/billing' then 1 else 0 end) as to_billing,
        sum(case when pageview_url = '/thank-you-for-your-order' then 1 else 0 end) as to_thankyou
from total 
) select sessions,
    to_products/sessions *100 as lander_clickthrough_rate,
        to_mrfuzzy/to_products *100 as products_clickthrough_rate,
        to_cart/to_mrfuzzy *100 as mrfuzzy_clickthrough_rate,
        to_shipping/to_cart *100 as cart_clickthrough_rate,
        to_billing/to_shipping *100 as shipping_clickthrough_rate,
        to_thankyou/to_billing *100 as billing_clickthrough_rate
from page;

# 2. Sub-Query
# Create Funnel Table 

create temporary table session_level_funnel  -- 세션별 funnel 테이블 생성 
select website_session_id,
    max(products) to_products,
    max(mrfuzzy) to_mrfuzzy,
    max(cart) to_cart,
    max(shipping) to_shipping,
    max(billing) to_billing,
    max(thankyou) to_thankyou
from (
select w.website_session_id, p.pageview_url, p.created_at as pageview_created_at, -- created at of each pageview session
        case when pageview_url = '/products' then 1 else 0 end as products,
        case when pageview_url = '/the-original-mr-fuzzy' then 1 else 0 end as mrfuzzy,
        case when pageview_url = '/cart' then 1 else 0 end as cart,
        case when pageview_url = '/shipping' then 1 else 0 end as shipping,
        case when pageview_url = '/billing' then 1 else 0 end as billing,
        case when pageview_url = '/thank-you-for-your-order' then 1 else 0 end as thankyou
from website_sessions w inner join  website_pageviews p on w.website_session_id=p.website_session_id 
where w.created_at > '2012-08-05' and w.created_at < '2012-09-05'
    and w.utm_source ='gsearch'   and w.utm_campaign='nonbrand'
    and pageview_url in ('/lander-1','/products','/the-original-mr-fuzzy','/cart','/shipping','/billing','/thank-you-for-your-order')
order by 1 , 2 -- GROUP BY session_id
) as pageview_level
group by website_session_id ; -- aggregate by website session id

select count(distinct website_session_id) sessions,
count(distinct case when to_products =1 then website_session_id else null end)
    /count(distinct website_session_id) *100 as lander_clickthrough_rate,
count(distinct case when to_mrfuzzy =1 then website_session_id else null end)
    /count(distinct case when to_products =1 then website_session_id else null end) *100 as product_clickthrough_rate,
count(distinct case when to_cart =1 then website_session_id else null end)
    /count(distinct website_session_id) *100 as mrfuzzy_clickthrough_rate,
count(distinct case when to_shipping =1 then website_session_id else null end)
    /count(distinct case when to_cart =1 then website_session_id else null end)*100 as cart_clickthrough_rate,
count(distinct case when to_billing =1 then website_session_id else null end)
    /count(distinct case when to_shipping =1 then website_session_id else null end) *100 as shipping_clickthrough_rate,
count(distinct case when to_thankyou =1 then website_session_id else null end)
    /count(distinct case when to_billing =1 then website_session_id else null end) *100 as billing_clickthrough_rate
from session_level_funnel;
sessions lander_clickthrough_rate products_clickthrough_rate mrfuzzy_clickthrough_rate cart_clickthrough_rate shipping_clickthrough_rate billing_clickthrough_rate
4420 47.0814 74.1470 43.5515 66.2202 79.3258 43.3428

▶ 페이지 뷰 단계별로 click through rate(클릭전환율)산출시, 50% 미만으로 개선이 필요하다.


# WITH sessions by pageview_url_ + CASE >Pivot 

with billing as(
    /** aggregate by website_session_id **/
    sum(case when pageview_url ='/billing' then 1 else 0 end) as billing,
       sum(case when pageview_url ='/billing-2' then 1 else 0 end)as billing2,
       sum(case when order_id is not null then 1 else 0 end) as orders
        -- TO FILTER OUT order_id null이면 실제 주문으로 이어지지 않은 것 
from website_pageviews p
left join orders o on p.website_session_id=o.website_session_id
where p.created_at < '2012-11-10' 
    and p.website_pageview_id >= 53550 
    and pageview_url in ('/billing','/billing-2')
group by website_session_id
    /** Pivot **/
    case when billing = 1 then '/billing' else '/billing-2' end as billing_version_seen,
    count(distinct website_session_id) sessions,
     count(distinct case when orders =1 then website_session_id else null end) orders,
    count(distinct case when orders =1 then website_session_id else null end)
            / count(distinct website_session_id)  *100 as billing_to_order_rt
from billing
group by 1 ;

# 2. Sub-Query
    count(distinct website_session_id) as sessions,
    count(distinct order_id) as orders,
    count(distinct order_id)/count(distinct website_session_id) * 100 as billing_to_order_rt
    p.pageview_url as billing_version_seen,
from website_pageviews p
        /** JOIN ORDER TABLE :: Order table내 order_id 기준 filter out **/
    left join orders o on p.website_session_id=o.website_session_id
where p.created_at < '2012-11-10' -- analysis date
    and website_pageview_id >= 53550 
    and pageview_url in ('/billing','/billing-2')
) billing
group by 1
billing_version_seen sessions orders CONVERSION RATE
/billing 650 299 46.0000
/billing-2 645 404 62.6357

▶ Improvement on Billing page : 신규 랜딩페이지에illing-2에서 더 높은 전환율을 보인다.